I've found lately that when people talk about dieting, they don't actually talk about it. They talk around it - they discuss the health benefits of exercise, of the hormonal changes of certain food products in the body, of clothes fitting better. They don't ever come out and say I AM A FATTY YO, but it's subtly implied.
I'm not sure if I like that.
See, while I love health benefit talks, and hormone changes, and clothes fitting better, and I cannot stand the concept of "Dieting is great! You just eat less and everything will be fine!" (because that is a lie), it's the subtlety that I dislike. I am not suddenly changing my habits because I feel like doing something different - I am doing it because what I was doing before (eating a half dozen Krispy Kremes and then taking a nap) wasn't good for me. It was, in fact, killing me.
When it comes to things like death, and shortened life spans, subtlety needs to get thrown out the feckin' window. I EAT TOO MUCH AND IN THE WRONG PORTIONS, AND DISLIKE SWEATING. THAT IS GOING TO KILL ME. This isn't rocket science, it's what I was doing to myself. And until I really and truly take ownership of my idiocy, the weight is going to yo-yo on and off. You have to name your monster, and loudly, before you can truly grapple with it.
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